11 May 2007

Travel Scrabble

My husband and I enjoy playing scrabble, but rarely ever find the time to play.

I have aTravel Scrabble game where the letters snap into place, which is great on a airplane or anywhere where your letters may move off the board.

Well, since we have children our travel scrabble board is great around the house. We usually just start a game and keep our own scores. My husband will play his round before work and leaves it on our table, after he leaves for work I play my round. He then will play a round at some point after work and I before I go to bed, and so on and so on...

I take all the time in the world and have come up with some of my best words yet. There's no scrabble pressure and it keeps us connected. The kids can bump into the board and everything stays in place. The letter display is close able so you don't lose any letters, it's great.

Our next game is going to be Chess. So my secret here is to play a game with your mate, it will add some excitement to your routine.

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